Watch recipe video
Replicate and elevate the recipe (Category 1)
Follow the Brief (Category 2 & 3)
Submit Photos and Videos of your own recipe
Refer to the Rule Book*
Final Round
Submit Recipes of a higher level of difficulty
Contestant's Journey
Register on
Registration fee applicable for Category 2 and 3
Choose your task according to your Category
Watch, Replicate, Elevate, Submit (For Category 1)
Follow the brief and Submit for Category 2 and 3
Top 15 get selected to participate in the final round
Only for Category 2 & 3
Category 1 culminates in 1 Round
Top 15 contest in the final round
At a higher difficulty level
For Category 2 and 3
1 Winner and 2 Runners Up get selected
Category 1
Register on the website
Watch the video on the YouTube Channel
Replicate the recipe and elevate it with your own special touch
Submit the video and photographs of your own recipe
Refer to the Rule Book*​
Get chosen by the Expert Jury and win prizes